10 Things You Don’t Necessarily Need To Know

From the beginning of this year until now, my blog posts have had a very serious tone. So today I decided to have a little bit of fun and give you a glimpse into my personality with 10 random facts about me that have nothing to do with anything. 1. My favorite fiction book is The Beach House by James Patterson. 2. I have watched Coming to America, Big, The Princess Bride and Major League II each over 75 times. 3. I have gone to Vegas at least five times with under 24 hour notice on a whim or because I had a bad day. 4. I can eat pizza every day if I had to. 5. I once towed two wagons full of neighborhood kids with my wheelchair back in the 90s. 6. My friends often get me out of my chair to dance on my feet when we go out. 7. My friend Jerry got mad at me because I forgot my handicap sign one night and remarked jokingly, why do you think we hang out with you? 8. I am a computer nerd. 9. I am proud to be a mama’s boy and if you met my mom, you’d understand why. 10. I have a neurotic side. Random, I know. I feel that there are times that people look at me and think I am defined by my disability. I am to a point. Beyond that I am just a guy trying to live a happy and successful life.
Timelapse - Lighthouse (Oct 2012) from IMK Digital Multimedia on Vimeo.
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