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A Day in the Life, May 14, 2011

Last Thursday I had a great day.

One of the things I wanted to do with this blog was to occasionally describe what a “day in the life” is like for me–so, with that in mind, I’d like to bring you back into my world on the day of May 14, 2011. Mind you, it wasn’t a typical day in the least, but it was a very good day.

My roommate Patrick assisted me with my normal morning routine. He helped me take a shower, shave, and got me dressed. This process started around eight o’clock and took an hour. I met Kristi in my office around nine o’clock; we had two conference calls scheduled that day. One with a PR company in Boston, and one with my friend and collaborator Jay Lavender. Both calls were informative, and we concluded that I should self-publish my autobiography. In the middle of my call with Jay, my friend Jason came by to work on the lock of my front door so I could open it up with a remote (unfortunately, the door lock was defective and we had to send it back). Jason also hooked up my new PlayStation 3 to my television and sound system.

I went to my parents’ house for lunch. My mother’s sister is visiting from Iran, so I’ve been trying to go over and see my Aunt whenever I can. I told my father about my self-publishing decision, and after clearing up a misunderstanding, my father was excited about the projects. I took a ride in my wheelchair over to the bank to take care of my business, the details of which are none of the business of those reading this blog (j/k).

I went home to make a couple of calls, one to my friend and collaborator Maureen (Mo) to see if she wanted to be an editor on the book, and one to my childhood friend Bob, who left me a message three weeks prior (however, I never received that message).

Later, my parents picked me up to go to my cousin’s house where he had family visiting from Iran, so there was about fifteen people there. We ate dinner, talked for a bit, then out of the blue I get a phone call from my friend Artin, who asked if I wanted to go out for drinks that night. I said yes, and he replied, Great. I get to see your new house. On a side note, I couldn’t wait for Artin to see my house because about a year ago, he invited me to his housewarming party and all I could think was, am I ever going to get my own house?

So here we were, a group of guys at my kitchen table, talking about nothing in particular. About a half an hour later we piled into my van and headed to a club where I saw one of my new neighbors and she said, You party? People are surprised that I go out to clubs, tell off-colored jokes, and am a part of the group. I love to see their faces. I transform instantly from the guy in the wheelchair to Sourena.

For me, a great day is the convergence of friends, family, food, and business. On that day, I was excited to have a business breakthrough, hung out with my friends and family, had good conversations, and don’t forget now with my PlayStation, I can get Netflix on my TV.

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