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Are you obsessed?

Two years ago, I had an idea to develop products online. I wrote a plan and presented it to my team. I was aware of every single step; however, it took me three times longer to complete than I was planning. At the beginning of the year, I was on the last step, which was to generate online traffic. I knew that I wanted to outsource the task. Yet, I wanted to learn every aspect, so I could give my input.
I had a few stumbling blocks along the way. It took me longer to find a CRM Manager than I thought. I had a couple of people who did not perform; however, I felt that I was close to finding the right teammate.
A few weeks ago, I went to Vegas with the family and just had a great time. I took the kids to Circus Circus, had a wonderful date with my wife and snuck away to gamble and have a few cocktails.
When I got back, I was determined to find the right team member. The past was the past. I know that with the right team member, we can do amazing things. While I was gone, I had Jamila, my office manager, put together a list of agencies and possible candidates.
I was in attack mode. I knew this was a puzzle that needed to be solved. I contacted a few agencies and even found groups where I could post my requirements.
I also was watching a lot of online videos to learn how to have more in-depth conversations.
My dreams and my goals are important to me. I put writing and other activities on the back burner to find a great match. To boil it down, I was obsessed.
When you go from one level to the next, you have to be disciplined. You also have to be willing to do the work. If you are not willing to do the work, then you may not get the results. I cannot communicate enough how important this piece is to me.
I ask, how important are your dreams to you?
So often, we are not obsessed over the right things. We are obsessed about the media, about the person who cut us off, about the waiter who gave us bad service or about our insecurities. Part of being amazing is being focused on the right thing.
Here is a caveat. I hate being obsessed. It does not feel healthy. Yet, sometimes it’s necessary. It’s necessary to go into the mode of “I need to figure this out ASAP”.

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