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Celebrating Anomalies

There are stories about random encounters that lead to great success…

The writer who gets discovered while having a conversation in a Coffee Shop.

The model discovered while strolling the streets of Paris, while on vacation from Montana.

The media loves these stories because they bring out the random extraordinary moments in life.

When determining your own path to success, these stories can be inspiring, but shouldn’t be focused on. What isn’t celebrated in the media is good old fashioned hard work. We don’t hear stories about the business owner who spends twenty years to build a business. This is the ordinary, not the exception.

People look at LeBron James with his great physical strength and think to themselves that they’ll never get there. The fact is that LeBron could be considered a freak of nature and, yes, he works hard, but what would he do without his size and physical strength?

In 1974, this guy went home and met a nineteen year old woman…two weeks later they were married. Next year, they will celebrate their fortieth anniversary. I like to call them Mom and Dad. Now, expecting to get married after two weeks is unrealistic, but it worked for my parents.

Looking back on my own life, there have been great anomalies and I don’t want anyone to look at these things and perceive them as success. That said, if there are anomalies in your life, it’s up to you to capitalize on them! Like LeBron James, or the writer in the coffee shop who worked countless hours on his script, or me.

Without hard work opportunities are just dreams…


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