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Disabled List

I am a huge fan of sports. During the summers, I follow the Dodgers. I have been a fan of baseball since 1988, the last year that the Dodgers won the World Series.

Major League Baseball recently changed the term disabled list or the DL to the injured list or the IL. This was because of pressure from disabled groups that were offended by the term disabled list. I never was particular about terms. I never was that politically correct. I care about my fellow human beings. However, I think we should focus on how we can enhance each other’s lives rather than worrying about a slightly offensive word or term.

For me, disabled means unable to perform. When I think about disability, I think about how it holds me back. Although I try to combat my physical disability with mindset, building a team, and other tactics, for me, being disabled means being unable to perform. So, I guess, disabled list was not offensive, but rather accurate.

One can argue that injured list is a little more accurate, but I am not here to argue semantics. Instead, I’m happy that when I go to any ballpark in the United States, there are handicap accessible seating. So far, I have been in three MLB ballparks without any issue. My favorite is Petco Park in San Diego because it has one of the best handicap sections that I have ever sat in.

I always made my desire to live life the heart of my journey. I try not to get caught up in thoughts that won’t help me on my journey to amazing. However, I applaud the sensitivity of MLB.

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