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So, I have been working on my book, Big Dreams Take Small Sacrifices since 2010. When I came up with the slogan, it was so good, I had to write a book. At first, the title was Big Dreams Take Big Sacrifices, but I realized that extraordinary success starts with ordinary efforts which I talk about in the book. It’s been a journey writing this book. It has taught me a great deal and even made accepting my disability easier. I realize now that I love my dreams and while it might be a lot harder for me than the average person, it’s worth the sacrifice.

I am so happy I got two of my favorite authors and mentors to write the foreword, Larry [email protected] and Joe Calloway @joecalloway. They are two of the most interesting men that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting. Joe and Larry have helped me develop my goals and kept me grounded.

I have an amazing life. Many of my dreams have come true. But, I have bigger dreams. This book is a celebration of where I am now and the sacrifices that I’ve made as well as all the sacrifices that other people have made on my behalf. I really love everybody in my life.

I’m hoping that this book will reinvigorate my career and show people that the key to their big dreams is making small sacrifices. I also want to be an example to the disabled community and show them  that they can make their dreams come true, too. A payment for a dream is sacrifice.

The next few weeks should be fun! I will be Tweeting a lot. Please help me get the word out by sharing this link:

Thank you and take care!

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