Happy Thanksgiving

For the last few years starting with the USC blog then this blog every year I’ve made a list of everything I’m thankful for. I am so happy to report that this has been the best year of my adult life. The reason that I say “adult life” is because there’s nothing like being a kid. The ironic part is no matter how much you tell kids that, they don’t believe you. Then one day around the age of 25, everybody says, “Oh yeah.”
- My parents, who always come on the top of my list.
- My sister Sanaz is living a great life and as her big brother, it’s great to watch.
- My house.
- My love life (I promise I will write about her soon).
- My ever-expanding body of work, which grew by leaps and bounds this year.
- My manager Kristi, who supports me and tells me that I’m being irrational and paranoid. (And it’s exactly what I need.)
- Trojan League Associates of San Diego County. Earlier this year I was not sure if I wanted to speak anymore, but when I went to San Diego with Rich I decided that I wanted to speak as long as I can.
- I am not thankful for the NBA lockout, where are my Lakers games? (Is that against the rules of Thanksgiving? Sorry, my blog.)
- My best friend and roommate Patrick Saylor, who moved in with me in February. He takes care of me and he tells me every day to not work so hard.
- The impromptu late nights at the house.
- Dexter, the show.
- My cousin Babak. (More on that in another blog post.)
- My speaking partner Rich Finley.
- All of my friends.
- Larry and Joe, who I am going to go to a seminar with. (But they have already emailed me a great email telling me that I have all the ingredients to take my career to the next level.)
- Eddie Murphy is back. Hopefully, he will do standup next year.
I really can’t remember the last time I was this happy. It seems that after all these years, my life really does love me back. For that I am grateful. I still have everyday stuff that I have to deal with and I still want to grow as a person. I’m having fun working out three times a week. I have the busiest travel schedule in December. I will be spending Thanksgiving at my parents’ house with about fifty relatives.
For those of you who are not having an awesome year, take a moment to see what is working in your life and be thankful for that, whether it would be the time that you spend with your friends, family, or kissing your significant other every day. Hang onto that.
Timelapse - Lighthouse (Oct 2012) from IMK Digital Multimedia on Vimeo.
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