Just a Little More Success
My life is pretty good right now.
On the other hand, there’s a part of me that wants more.
I’ve decided that I want to take my writing and speaking to a new level. It’s easy for me to say that I wrote an award-winning book, I write a blog post every week, and that I’ve been praised for my writing. However, the truth is, I want more. I have been talking to my manager Kristi about making my writing more fun. I want to be able to write in different tones. I also want to have more fun with my friends. I am getting ready for my fiancée Leslie to move in with me and I am constantly thinking of ways for us to have fun together and to always be romantic. I want to always make her laugh and feel comfortable in our home.
Arthur Ashe Jr. once said that success is a journey, not a destination. For anyone to rest on their laurels is a sure way to not achieve your potential. I read books, tweet quotes, keep my eye on CNBC, read articles, and interrogate my friends about what they’re doing and how their industry works. I want to be the best that I can be. I want to learn more, do more, and have a very happy life.
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