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Know Your Limitations

The weekend before last Payton Manning won his second Super Bowl as a quarterback for his second team in the NFL, the Denver Broncos. The old Payton Manning would have won the game by throwing the ball down field and suffocating the Carolina defense. Yet he understands that he is limited by age and body performance. Armed with this knowledge, Manning opted to win the Super Bowl in a different way, relying on his defense rather than trying to be the hero of the game. He transformed into a game manager, not the prior gun-slinging hero. He trusted his team that helped get him to this Final Dance once again.

One issue that I have learned about limitations is that you can’t fight them; you have to work within them. I can’t fight my disability, and Payton can’t fight Father Time. As individuals, we need to understand our limitations, and learn to rely on your team to bring you to victory.

Last week, I had a quarterly meeting with my partners and two of my best buddies, Marty and Chris. I am learning to accept that my limitations can affect business processes, and more importantly learning to lean on my buddies to achieve success.

When we are able to identify and understand our limitations, we will be able to work through, around or with them to develop the life or the outcomes that we want.

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