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Learn Something New Everyday

This week, 22 years ago, I graduated from the University of Southern California. Moving out of one’s parent’s home to attend college is a big deal for almost everyone.   But for me, it was particularly meaningful.  I didn’t think I would be able to accomplish such a feat. I thought I couldn't move and go off to college. So, for me, graduation was much more than getting a degree.  It was the realization that I could have dreams and I could make them come true. The experience helped shape my identity and introduced me to making my dreams big and bold.

The author on graduation day, 5/11/2001.


Beyond the Degree

The formal degree is only a tiny part of education.  The process of being educated is continuous.   As a functioning person, you must continue to observe, listen, think critically, and seek out new ideas.  To reach fantastic success, you need to be a lifelong student.  Every day you have breath in your body, you must try to learn something new. Reading about achieving your goals, getting feedback, and listening to experts are examples of neverending education.  Perhaps the most critical part of this learning is the willingness to take the initiative to find, synthesize, and apply new concepts.

I want to raise two boys who are a benefit to society. Raising my boys is my most significant responsibility and my greatest joy. Therefore, I seek new ideas about raising successful and responsible people. By constantly educating myself on parenting and human development, I can identify new approaches that may help my boys become the best people they can be.

Twenty-two years ago, I earned a degree in marketing. But, more than that, I earned a degree in learning to be a constant student.  This desire and maybe even compulsion to acquire new information has made me a better business owner, father, husband, and human being.

As you read this, please do not only hear a nostalgic story of a great day.  You should hear more than that.  You should hear the story of a man who learned to go through life as a student.  Moreover, I hope you are inspired to keep looking for new impactful information.

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