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My Last Post of 2021


For the last couple of months, I have been getting ready for some exciting, new changes in my business.  We are going to launch a new website and new programs next year. I decided to make some organizational changes so I can focus on something I love- creating content. 

In this, my last post of 2021, I want to share with you a few tactical ideas to start the new year right.  Instead of frantically setting goals around the first of the year, be intentional about your goals.  Traditionally, this is a time where people change their focus from being dedicated to working on their goals to enjoying the holidays.  However, instead of totally disengaging from your work, spend a little time just planning for next year.

This does not have to be a long process that takes hours and hours.  You don’t need a personal manifesto.  You don’t even need to break out spreadsheets.  Make it an enjoyable process.  Take time to journal for about twenty minutes.  Meet up with and inspire your friends.  Go to a new restaurant.  Have happy hour with people who you haven’t seen in a while. Just be sure to take some time to plan for the upcoming year.

Here are some more ideas about how you can set yourself up for success in 2022.

  1. Create a curriculum for yourself.  Decide which books or articles that you need to read for next year.  Make sure that many of your goals correspond with at least one book that is on the list.  If you want to start dabbling in real estate read the top books on real estate investing.  If you want to have better relationships with your kids, pick up a book on parenting.  Besides learning new information, you can always refocus your thoughts, remind yourself of your goals, and bring to the forefront everything that needs your attention.
  2. Make a list of people with whom you want to connect. Your success relies on the connections that you have and there are a handful of people who can help you make your life amazing.  They can help you by improving processes.  They can help you with activities that you should not be doing.  They can teach you new things and give you new ideas.  This person may be a consultant or a coach.  I did this, and trust me, it’s helpful.
  3. Just give up. So often we want to just get something without giving up anything.  In order to move from one level to the next, there has to be some casualties.  You are probably holding on to something that is holding you back. I have spent endless hours reading and researching marketing, but I realized that I need to give up control and surrender my power to someone who, frankly, is better than I am and knows more.  Examples of things that you can give up are wanting to be right all the time, winning every argument, and of course, Cheetos.  On a side note, stop trying to change other people because people are not going to change just because you want them to.
  4. Be more intentional. One way that you can improve your life is to be more intentional.  Set goals instead of letting life happen to you.  Turn a bad day into a good day.  When someone aggravates you, take the high road.  Understand that people have their own issues and their own concerns.  Just be nicer.
  5. Serve others. The main way to achieve your goals is to be of service to others.  Every time I write, I want to write something that helps others achieve their goals.  I don’t just write whatever I want. Otherwise, I would write about obscure events in sports. In the same way, be sure to have an other’s-centric approach to your goals.

My hope for you is that you make 2022 a great year.  There are going to be many opportunities that are going to be available coming out of the pandemic.




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