Ordinary Steps Lead to Extraordinary Results

I finally got the book off to the printer this week. I have a lot of cool stuff coming up in the next few months. I think the book is some of my finest work. I have a PR campaign coming up with the online component. There’s not much that I can do right now until I get the book back from the printer.
Over the weekend, I had to remind myself why I love what I’m doing. I went online and watched videos of some of my favorite speakers. I went on the speaking bureau site and watched some more videos and I got excited.
Excitement is a great thing, but in the excitement, I had to be very careful because excitement without action is just an empty dream. I want my dreams to come true because speaking and writing give me a sense of normalcy. It makes my disability seem like less of a hindrance and more of an annoyance.
Some people look at greatness and say, “Wow, that’s cool.” When I look at greatness, I say to myself, “Wow! That’s cool, let me play, too.” Speaking and writing feels like one big toy to me. It lets me create something that is a ticket to a world where I can travel, wear designer suits, (by the way, I love suits, even though they’re a pain in the butt to get into!) I look forward to my work giving my son and my family access to really cool, amazing people. I want to introduce my son to a world of excitement and innovation that will inspire him to dream big and to execute on those dreams.
There is one more big piece to the equation. The ordinary steps that will give me a key to my success.. One of the things that I discuss in the book is that ordinary steps lead to extraordinary results. It’s my job to make sure that the ordinary steps get accomplished despite any and all excuses.
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