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Reconnecting to Joy

Confusicious was wrong when he said do what you love and you will not to work a day in your life. Work is one facet of a fulfilling life and regardless of your love for your profession, there will always be aspects that you’d rather avoid. Finding time for joy

In all fairness it’s a different world than anything Confusicious may have imagined; a world that comes with an unprecedented level of competition for our psyches, a war over our focus. With the human attention span still lingering in the same general arena of a small fish, the challenge to stay present has never been more daunting. This constant buzz for our eyes, ears…and cash is not what we’re wired for.

While there’s incredible opportunity in our new access to the world around us, there’s also the ever-present danger of losing ourselves in melee of life.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

That’s why, aside from work, I have processes that helps me grow as a human being. I make sure that I connect with the people that I love. I have a process for keeping the romance alive in my marriage. I have a process of interacting and spending quality time with my two boys, Andrew and Tyler. I spend time with my two inspirations, my parents and I goof around with my best friends who I have known since second grade. All we do is drink and make fun of each other.

These times are what make mine an amazing life. Do you ever go out with friends and ask “why don’t we do this more often?” This question needs some attention because what is the point of making an amazing life if you can’t have a good time?

Remember that nurturing those things that bring you joy is a part of creating real success, neglecting them will most likely end in a poor imitation of happiness.


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