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Setting the Mood

There were weeks where I could not or did not write this blog, but for the last year and a half, I have only missed two weeks because of the holidays. There were times that I was on vacation, yet I had Kristi put a blog post up. Same thing with Twitter. I tweet at least three times a week, if not more. If I did not make a conscious decision to blog once a week or tweet at least three times a week, it would become just something I do occasionally. I look at it as a business task and most business tasks cannot and should not be done occasionally. The minute I come up with an excuse like I’m busy this week or I have nothing to write about, I open the door to bigger and more lame excuses.

I stayed out with the boys a little too late last night.

The game went into overtime.

I am obsessed with getting this blog up every week. Not because I’m going to be in trouble , it’s because the last thing that I want to do is make this an occasional blog. As a writer and entrepreneur, I have to keep the business train running. To be honest, the last month I have been downright lazy. I’ve been lazy because I am taking a break and there’s nothing wrong with it. In fact, I feel wonderful. My brain and my body need a break. If this was only an occasional blog, I would use that as an excuse and you would probably not hear from me for two months and I can’t let that happen.

There are activities in our lives that we have to do and there are activities that can be put off. It is very easy to put off activities that don’t need to be done today. For example, I have not read a book in a couple of months. Why? Because I did not sit down with myself and say, Sourena, you need to read a book every week.

Many people are in right now mode. They are not in growth mode. They only do the things that are absolutely necessary. They worry about that report due at the end of the week; they only do laundry when they have no clean clothes; most of all, they don’t think of tomorrow.

I always have one eye on today and one eye on tomorrow. If a publisher, sponsor, or newspaper comes to me and says they want to work with me, I want to show them that I’m consistent in my work. I don’t want to blow an opportunity just because I do something occasionally.

In between life’s great moments is getting ready for life’s great moments.

Timelapse - Lighthouse (Oct 2012) from IMK Digital Multimedia on Vimeo.

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