I was reluctant to start tweeting because I assumed that I would tweet stuff such as having dinner with my friend or it’s midnight and I can’t sleep. While I’m sure those things must be fascinating, it’s been done. (One of my favorite Twitter stories about the underage football player who tweeted "I’m having beer!" and subsequently got suspended for it.)
I decided to mostly tweet quotes of my own as well as quotes from others who have inspired me from time to time. Here are my <strong>top ten favorite tweets quotes written by me that I have shared thus far. (And if you haven’t done so already, please be sure to follow me at )
By the way, I DO often tweet going out to dinner with my friends or watching a ballgame for example, just the other day I tweeted about the show The Apprentice with a stupid joke at the end. To see that joke, I guess you have to go to my twitter page. (After all, I am in marketing and maybe the last line was a not so subtle marketing ploy. Blame it on business school. Ha!)
Talk to you later!
Sourena V., The Twittering Mad Man
Top 10 Tweets by Sourena V
(In no particular order.)
- The more you make fun of your dreams, the less likely you are going to achieve them.
- Show me a self-made person and I’ll show you a person who has not reached their full potential.
- Begin by making achieving your dreams a part-time job. Then, as you gain momentum, make it a full-time job.
- Use passion to move forward-but there are times when too much passion can get in the way of clarity & it can lead you down a dangerous road.
- When you make mistakes, pretend it’s your kid that made them. Punish yourself with love.
- Not enough emphasis or reward is put on avoiding mistakes.
- Like life, sometimes it's okay to be mad at someone and still love them.
- There are times when a person should just make a decision and then figure out how rather than the other way around.
- Having a good conversation with a colleague can spark innovative ideas. Try to have one deep conversation a week with a colleague.
- Why chase something that is impossible when there are thousands of things that are possible?
***" Follow Sourena V. on Twitter !
Timelapse - Lighthouse (Oct 2012) from IMK Digital Multimedia on Vimeo.
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