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Steak and Success

To take a great piece of raw meat and turn it into a gourmet caliber, juicy, scrumptious steak requires an arduous, long process that involves seasonings, marination, cooking at the right temperature, a close eye, and proper timing.

Much like a raw piece of meat, raw talent needs also requires a more arduous process of seasoning, tenderizing, and many more things. There are so many people that have raw talent, but they never parlay it into success. Conventional wisdom says that a person has to be good at one thing and master it, but that’s not all that matters. To be elite means to take raw talent and turn it into something incredible.

I often question my own talent, my own path to success. I’m confident in my raw talent I have ideas about life. I have a strong work ethic and I have connections, but there has always been something missing: the ability to hustle, the ability to send a text, and the ability to get on the phone and have a free flowing conversation that is not interrupted by my annoying speech impediment.

My whole goal in life is to take my raw meat and turn it into a gourmet meal. A meal that everybody can appreciate. I understand the importance of the people around me, my network. My main challenge–or opportunity–is to take the people around me and create not only a good steak, but a meal fit for a king.

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