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Taking Life for Granted

Not a day goes by in my life when I don’t think about other people doing activities that I just can’t do. There are times I just want to shake them and say, do you know how lucky you are? Do I really want them to think about everything they do as a gift? Not really.

I was thinking about my own life. Do I take it for granted?

The answer is absolutely.

We all take things for granted. I take many things for granted, including my friends, family, and lifestyle. I appreciate my life but I admit sometimes I take it for granted. I have so many positive aspects in my life that it is impossible for me to not take it for granted.

I always had food, shelter, and a warm place to sleep and there are too many people in the world who don’t have that. Heck, just one is too many. In order to grow, my feeling is that we want more. That desire just to get more and more drives successful people. To be fully content in your life is contradictory to achieving success.

In writing this post, it makes me think about everything I have and I have a lot. My new definition of not taking life for granted is to take time every so often to empathize with people who don’t have everything I do. People who wonder what it’s like to eat a hot meal every day or to go out with friends multiple times a week or to go to their parents’ house and hang out with them whenever they feel like. I’m sure there are people around us every day that would die for those things.

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