Thanksgiving List

Thanksgiving Post:
I have not posted in a couple months and that will never happen again. I have been working on a project with my 2 partners Chris Stevenson and Marty Velasco. In the next couple months you will be hearing from us more and more. Marty will be blogging about Marketing, Chris will be blogging about Management and I will be talking about Mindset.
This year is a journey, both personally and professionally, I have been writing and thinking about what I want. What I want is quite simple, I want amazing experiences, so every year when I sit down to write this post, the post will be better and better every year. I believe that all people want is amazing experiences, but amazing experiences just don’t come to you, you have to go after it.
Here is a list of experiences that I am thankful for in 2015:
1. Watching my baby boy Tyler being born.
2. Speaking at amazing events.
3. Meeting and networking with Suzanne Evans and her team.
4. Speaking at “Be the Change” event in Orlando Florida.
5. Speaking at the “10K Club” event in Miami.
6. Partying after these events and I can’t go into too much detail because it is proprietary information.
7. Working with Marty Velasco, who I met last year around this time.
8. Watching my first born go to school and watch him speak.
9. There are so many details that I enjoy about being a father but I am not going to bore you with the details but I am grateful for every moment, every smile, every laugh. There were days where I did not think I would be a father.
10. Being interviewed by the BBC with Chris Stevenson.
11. Receiving an inspiration award from “Fit 4 the Cause”.
12. Watching my parents have a happy retirement.
Many of these experiences would not have happened if I was not so determined or driven. The goal for my life is to have amazing experiences. I have many more dreams and goals but I know that I have to pay for them with sacrifices.
So, I have three questions for you as we embark on the holidays. First, what amazing experiences are you thankful for? Second, what do you want next years “Thanksgiving List” to look like. Finally, and most importantly, what are the action steps that you are going to perform in order to make next year the best year of your life.
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