The Dream Within a Dream

My big dream of getting married comes with dreams within that dream.
The biggest one for a guy like me was rounding up the boys and going to Vegas for my bachelor party.
I always dreamed of going to Vegas with the boys and on the weekend of September 7, my dream came true. I had ten friends from childhood and college, as well as a couple of cousins with me in Vegas to celebrate this momentous occasion.
We had a blast.
It was relatively low key. We just watched sports, shot crabs, and had a nice dinner at a steakhouse. And, yes…I had a few cocktails. Perhaps the highlight of the weekend was staying up until six thirty in the morning with my cousin Babek, who introduced me to my fiancée Leslie.
I flew home on September 10. It was a quick 28 hours. Then I had to turn around and go back to the airport when Leslie arrived.
I can’t believe that she’s actually here!
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