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The Pursuit of Your Big Dream Does Not End

Before my book launch event, my office was in full marketing mode. We were trying to get people to the event, which is always the hardest part of putting on an event. I am looking forward to the day where I get an email with an itinerary that says I am speaking at the Bellagio in front of a thousand people and the meeting planner bought books for all the attendees. That’s the dream. That’s my dream. But, remember, a payment for a dream is sacrifice.

My book launch event was a significant part of my sacrifice to make my dream come true. Although I took off to Lake Tahoe with the boys for a little R&R (Who am I kidding? There is never R&R in a city that has casinos!)

When I got back from Lake Tahoe, there was a litany of ordinary, not so exciting, activities that I was still doing. I had to ship out books to my Indiegogo supporters, I had to communicate with my marketing team and I had to drive to Hollywood to get the files for my video. Most people think writing a book is the hard part. But, the hard part begins when 2500 copies of your book arrive at your front door and you say to yourself, “Holy crap! I have to sell these books!” Luckily, I was at the airport when the books arrived and later, my buddy Pat put them in the garage while I was at my sisters, finding out the gender of my first nephew.

One of the keys to my success is knowing that the pursuit of a dream is never over unless you give it up altogether.  I love writing books, going on stage, marketing and this business.  So at the age of 36, I won’t be surrendering my dream any time soon so plan on getting rid of me just yet!

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