Things I happen To Think About (Part 2 of 2)

(The remaining issues that I’ve been thinking about in my life and in my business.)
4. You are responsible for everything in life that affects your ability to become amazing, whether or not it’s your fault. One of my mantras is my disability is not my fault, but it’s my responsibility. I had absolutely nothing to do with my having a disability—it sucks…it really sucks—but I always had dreams, and I always knew that I had to fight for them.
5. What you do professionally opens doors. I took two amazing trips in November. One to Seattle to watch the Seahawks beat the Giants and one to Vegas to celebrate my buddy Chris’ birthday party. I met Coach Carroll at USC when he agreed to endorse my first book, Love Your Life and It Will Love You Back. We became friends and when he received a coaching job in Seattle, I tried to make it a point of going up there once a year to see him. I root for the Seahawks because my buddy is the coach, and how cool is that!? (Don’t worry…I’m okay. It was a tough loss!) I met Chris at his gym. In early 2011, I was looking for a new speaking partner, so I randomly asked Chris if he was interested. We started working together, and something that started out as a business friendship moved into a great friendship. One of the reasons that I love my work is because it introduces me to people I would never meet otherwise.
6. Who do you need to be? At some point or another, we have all dreamt of the perfect mate, but do you ever ask yourself, “Would my perfect mate go out with me?” We all need to attract people in our life in order for us to reach our goals. Sales people need to attract clients, doctors need to attract patients, and speakers (including Sourena Vasseghi) need to attract an audience. What kind of person do the people you work with and spend time with need you to be? This is not about being fake or pretending to be something you’re not. This is about bringing out the best you can be. Know who you need to be, become comfortable with it, and just go be it.
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