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Twitter Things

To be honest, I didn’t like Twitter in the beginning. It took me a while to understand. My conclusion is it’s about reminding people that you are still thinking and keeping yourself on the top of their minds because if you don’t, no matter how thought provoking or funny you are, people are going to forget about you.

Because I cannot use a smart phone, I can’t tweet all of the time. I would love to tweet that I’m in the car on my way to a speaking engagement or having dinner with friends, but I can’t. Early on I found sites where you could put in a tweet whenever you want and schedule it. One time I was in a meeting at USC and when my family and I finally got out of the meeting, my sister turned to me and said, “How did you tweet that without a smart phone?” She was more than a little bit freaked out. I explained to her that for me, it just doesn’t feel right tweeting about my everyday life. I started to tweet a thought of the day and that felt right. Because of twitter, I have an entire document full of cool things that I’ve said. When I can’t come up with something, I just find a quote from others. I have three quote books on my desk and a document full of quotes that inspire me.

From time to time I still tweet that I am going out with my friends or my itinerary when I’m going off on a trip.

Twitter has actually made me think more and in a weird way it has made me a better writer, because I have to stay within the character limit. So there were times when I had to convey a ten word thought in seven words. It’s actually a very good thing. My favorite moment was when I was writing something for my blog or book and I said something that I tweeted out.

I started tweeting because I felt I had to as a writer and as a marketer. I found out that I gained more than I ever could imagine.

Timelapse - Lighthouse (Oct 2012) from IMK Digital Multimedia on Vimeo.

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