Where To Begin

A common reason for not going after your goals is the challenge or the question of where to begin. This is especially true with larger goals, such as starting a company, writing a book or changing your life. The question of where to begin is a crucial one. When people fall victim to this question, they are making an excuse. This question is an uncomfortable one. But, the first step to achieving anything in life is the question of where to begin. The answer to this question is not that scary. Most people assume that they have to dive in feet first into a goal. Almost like doing a cannon ball into a pool. As you move towards beginning, I advise just dipping one toe in the water, then getting used to the feelings.
If you want to open a company, you don’t need to quit your job and just go for it. Dipping your toe can be as simple as watching a Youtube video on becoming an entrepreneur, or reading one chapter of a book about your subject area. The same thing applies to writing a book. You should not quit your job and just start pecking away at a keyboard. You should sit down, turn on some music and just jot down an outline or attend a writing conference. Another way you can begin is just to find somebody who has done what you want to do and interview that person.
One of the first goals is to become comfortable with the emotions and the processes of the new ventures. Anytime I want to do something new, the first place I look is Youtube. You can learn anything on Youtube. You can also look on social media. Follow the people who are doing what you want to do.
When I wanted to write a book, I assumed that I needed to write eight hours a day. I have been writing for over seventeen years and I have never written beyond two hours in one day. I rarely write eight hours in a month.
The next place is finding a group of people that will help you achieve your goals. This could be in the form of advice, connections or a formal coach. Every successful person has a team around them who can help them think through the process and even help them produce the results.
One of the problems with beginning a new task or embarking on a new venture is that, once you commit to your goals, it becomes real. The emotions become real. The financial commitment becomes real. The time commitment becomes real. When you decide that you want to bring your goals to fruition, then you have to engage with them at a different level.
Having and achieving goals can change your life, but one of the most challenging parts is just beginning. Beginning anything new is awkward and scary. A great love affair starts with a first date. For some, first dates are scary and nerve racking. The emotions that you feel beyond starting will be fear, frustration and excitement. These emotions are natural and part of the human condition. The loftier the goals the more intense these emotions will become.
Don’t let your dreams die at the starting line.
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