Who Are You Listening To?

We all have people in our lives and, no matter how strong you are, these people influence habits, routines, the way you think about what is possible and whether or not you can achieve your dreams.
Human beings are social creatures. Many of our decisions are based on the cues that we receive from other human beings. Many people like to think of themselves as independent thinkers. However, our habits and our routines are somewhat dictated by social cues and norms.
Oftentimes, the actions of others influence your behavior. If you have a client who usually runs 10 minutes late to a meeting, you are more likely to run late. If you go out with a buddy who orders dessert, you are more likely to do so. No matter how strong you are, we all take cues from the people around us.
To achieve amazing success, we need to start listening and getting our social cues from amazing people. When I grew up, I never knew any motivational speakers, thought leaders or writers. I only recognized that I had an amazing story and the ability to inspire people. Yet, the people in my world never talked about the industry that I am in. One key to my amazing success was listening and actively seeking out voices that would lead me to amazing success. So, I started reading books, attending conferences and talking to all kinds of amazing people.
I was blessed that I grew up in a house with love and where hard work and persistence were preached and engrained in my psyche. My parents’ voices were always showing me the value of hard work and not acting like a victim of life’s circumstances.
As I started on my journey to become a speaker and writer, I have had every opportunity to look at other amazing people and deduce that, since I have a speech impediment, need help with almost everything in my life and so many other factors, that I can’t achieve amazing success. I fought those instincts.
We all have choices in our lives. One powerful choice is to choose what voices we should listen to. The fact is it’s easier to seek out any kind of voice for any kind of amazing goal. I have listened to hundreds of hours of instructional video. I have read many books. I have witnessed the most influential of speakers. And, I have let their wisdom push me to become amazing.
Unfortunately, there are many more negative voices in this world than positive ones. It’s easy to be influenced by negative voices. It’s more challenging to really listen and be transformed by positive voices. Also, it takes work and discipline to take their words and turn it into amazing success.
I want to hear what you think. In the comments below, share your thoughts about what voices you listen to, what voices help you on your journey to amazing success and what voices hurt your narrative.
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As human beings, it is in our nature to be influences by others. In order to achieve amazing success, it is necessarily to focus on the positive influences, both externally and internally, that are found in our lives. It is, at times, all too easy to give into negative voices and thoughts. This article will help to motivate you to listen to the positive influences around you so that you can achieve the utmost success.
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