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Your Expectations Determine Your Destiny

We all have a worldview or a narrative. This narrative whispers to or even nags your conscious or subconscious about everything you need to become suc...

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You Can Handle Life's Challenges


A few weeks ago, I returned to elementary school as a speaker. Let me tell you, kids are smart.  They are also uninhibited.  


How do I know thi...

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Don't Dismiss Solutions

When we don’t understand why a solution was invented, it’s easy to confuse it with the problem it was created to solve.

I noticed this when discussin...

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How Dealing with Challenges Pays Off

 Traditionally, we see challenges as things that get in the way of what we want. Even worse, some people lower their expectations based on the challen...

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Fight Challenges with Positivity

When I was younger, I did not value positivity, but now I value positivity as a tool for success.  A big part of success is taking on challenges or ju...

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Taking On Bigger Challenges

Becoming amazing involves taking on challenges and as important as taking new emotional challenges. If you don’t have a positive emotional diet, you l...

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Focus And Challenges

A critical part of amazing success is dealing with challenges or limitations without being totally consumed by them. Challenges should not be ignored ...

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Are You Willing To Get Uncomfortable?

Part of amazing success is performing the activities that are required at a high level.  When you perform these activities, they feel uncomfortable. W...

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Timeout From Your Challenges

With ambitious goals comes challenges. When we have ambitious goals, we may incur obstacles and roadblocks. When we encounter these, our first instinc...

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Managing Stress on the Road to Success

I have spent an exorbitant amount of time, energy, and money studying what it takes to live out an amazing life. I read books, attend conferences, and...

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