Private Coaching
For Those Ready to Change Their Lives, Businesses, and Everything in Between
Ready To Rise Above
Your Challenges?
Need a partner? Sourena is here for you.
We live in challenging times. It can be frustrating to remain focused on our goals.
Why? Let’s see…
We have personal obligations. We have professional obligations. And these obligations leave us with little time to focus on living a full, joyous abundant life.
If we’re lucky, we have friends, family, or even a favorite bartender in our lives who we believe we can go to for guidance, feedback, support, and acceptance.
But, there is a problem.
Those people we lean on have similar issues and challenges. They have time-sucking professional obligations. They have exhausting personal obligations.
Here's the Thing...
While talking to loved ones who you believe are in your corner can be comforting, having the same conversations, and complaining about the same issues can leave you in a circular conversation. It can leave you going round and round, using massive amounts of emotional energy but not getting anywhere.
Sometimes you just have to do something different. You need to have an infusion of fresh, unique ideas that will challenge you to do better and be better.
You might think you can make this change on your own. You might be right. It would be wiser, however, to have a partner, someone who can act as a guide.
You need your own personal sherpa who will walk with you, encourage you, be honest with you, refocus you, and give you feedback. Someone who can tell you what you need to hear as opposed to what you want to hear.
You need someone who can be a positive force in your life just like your family, someone who also cares deeply about you, and whose entire purpose is to help you achieve the goals that are frustrating you.
Sourena and his team are that fresh, unique voice.
They know a thing or two about the value of rising above your challenges and achieving amazing success. Click the button to apply to become part of our Private Client Program.

Get My Life Back Includes
14 Life-enhancing Lessons — Short, yet meaningful lessons designed to instruct and inform while impacting your life. Every lesson is designed and written by an awarding-winning author.
Transformative Video Library — Each of the 14 lessons is supported by an extensive video library totalling more than 100 videos with produced with the end goal of helping you live beyond your current circumstances. The videos are taught by a sought-after international speaker.
Digital Companion Manual — The videos are based on a manual that was written by Sourena and based on years of research and experience. This manual enhances the material covered in the videos. It is the ultimate companion to accelerate your learning.
Impactful bonuses — Learning the a philosophy is a great start — it’s a great way to learn theory. In order to apply the information in the14 lessons, we have included 2 bonuses — The Great Install and A Recharged You.
Bonus 1 — The Great Install
What if we were to compile the best ideas from this program into one easily digestible bonus? The result would be The Great Install. This bonus is designed to help you actually use the information you’ve learned in your everyday life.
Bonus 2 — A Recharged You
Our lives are comprised of various segments. There is your work life, your personal life, your family life, your private life, and so on. These segments combine, or shall I say, bond together to create your life. When one of these “lives” is out of alignment, it is easy for your life to feel out of whack. A Recharged You teaches you apply this concept so that you can re-energize yourself by recognizing the misaligned areas of your life and rebalance them.
Thought-provoking 125+ page digital workbook — Change Your Narrative, Change Your Life includes comprehensive worksheets with just one goal — to help you better internalize the information in the videos. The workbook includes self-reflective journaling opportunities.

A Man of Strength and Inspiration
"I've always known Sourena to be a man of strength and inspiration...he demonstrates a roadmap to maximizing the best life has to offer by making clear the relationship between vision and work ethic. Once again, Sourena has helped me strive to be my best."
Pete Carroll, Super Bowl Winning Coach

Positive and Inspiring Message... Achievement Over Adversity
"Sourena and Chris are a great double act. They have a positive and inspiring message of achievement over adversity. It was an honor to meet them both."
Peter Bowes, BBC Correspondent