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Dealing With What Gets In Your Way

Last week, I talked about a pesky little issue with my iPhone, which I solved in 90 seconds. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could solve all our problems in 90 seconds?
What gets in the way of an amazing life are obstacles, limitations, mental blocks, etc. The list can be endless. In the post, I wrote about how I did not take action right away and let the problem linger. How often do we let problems linger? Many people don’t even look at what is holding them back and have the attitude of “it is what it is.” This attitude can be one of the most limiting factors to your amazing success.
A critical factor to achieving amazing success is the way we engage our problems. Every year, I learn about how my disability and its psychological ramifications affect my goals and my dreams.
In addition to my physical challenges, I deal with insecurities, the stresses of leading a team, and focus, to name a few. This year, I am really focused on looking at and navigating what really holds me back. I have been a better leader this year. I have told my team exactly what I expect. I have called out people. To be honest, these are really challenging tasks for me. However, I realize that I want my dream so badly that I must endure these changes.
For me, the results are amazing. I’m happier. I’m more focused. I’m a better leader. I’m more confident.
When people want to pursue their goals and their dreams, they assume that they have to tackle big goals. I have witnessed and experienced that, before somebody can pursue their big dreams, they must be able to deal with small problems. They have to deal with their insecurities, communication, interpersonal skills, and so on.
The bottom line is that a big part of your climb to success is your ability to deal with challenges, big and small. If you don’t know how to deal with small issues in a positive way, then you will never have the skillset to deal with the challenges associated with your big dream.
In the grand scheme of things, my iPhone problem was not a big deal. However, in the first few days of dealing with the issue, I went nuts. I learned that, if I want to achieve my big dream, I just need to deal with challenges as they come up.

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