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Don’t Forget the Salt

Is there a Real Key to Success?

 When successful people are asked about the keys to their success they often reply with one or two recommendations, maybe they’ll say building a great team or having a big vision. Those are definitely keys to success, but that’s only part of the picture…The real key is that there are many keys that contribute to one’s success. In other words, it’s not one or two things, but rather a myriad of actions done systematically and strategically. Still, you have to add some flavor!

Any great recipe needs ingredients and a process for preparing the meal. What goes into a good meal is really time & resources (ingredients). You also need a good chef with the vision and the desire to deliver a great meal.

On that note, you can work to prepare the best meal in the whole world, but if you forget one of the most ubiquitous ingredients in the world, even the most elaborate recipe can fall flat. That ingredient is salt; salt can make a bland, boring meal come to life.

Will you create your own Recipe for success?

Salt is, quite literally, what makes or breaks a good recipe! Ever try making chocolate chip cookies without it? When embarking on your journey to success, ask yourself this, what habit do I have, obscure or simple that gives me my edge?

“For truly amazing success, you need to add your own special ingredient- You need to add your own ‘salt’!”

Salt may be the way a salesperson greets customers or even the way they smile, for a writer, it may be jotting down their thoughts…

In “Big Dreams Take Small Sacrifices”, I wrote about how the extraordinary needs the ordinary and how ordinary efforts can lead to extraordinary success. Part of being amazing in life is never, ever forgetting to add salt to your recipe!

Never forget your Salt!

 Next time you are in a rut or you want to take your life to the next level, I want you to look at how you can add salt to your recipe for being amazing. I am not advocating that you should forget or abandon the big picture or the other ingredients. I am simply asking that you remember to sprinkle some salt!

 “The extraordinary needs the ordinary”

  • Sourena Vasseghi

“Salt can make or break a recipe just like ordinary steps can make or break your success”.

“Amazing success lies in the details, remember the extraordinary needs the ordinary, just like a great meal still needs a little salt.”

“A great chef carries his salt, what do you carry with you on your own journey to success?”

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