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Here is a video that Chris shot on a trip to Orlando. My partners Chris Stevenson and Marty Velasco are great friends and we all like to travel and have a good time. A key to this has been creating systems that allow the business to run with or without us physically being there.
Thanks to business systems, Chris was able to go to Orlando for two weeks, one week to speak and the second week to spend with his family at Disneyworld. He was also able to leave his gym business for two weeks and travel to Maui with his family this past August. While on vacation, his gym in California still runs and he has opportunities to speak with and without me. He could not do this without creating business systems that allow him to work from anywhere around the world. He has a staff and systems in place so that his business can run even when he’s away. Marty just took half a week off to help his friend move to South Carolina. He also owns a gym and has systems in place that allow him to step away for a few days without his entire business falling apart. Even though Chris has a large operation and Marty has a smaller studio with a smaller staff, the business processes required to give them each the freedom they need and want to come and go and not be at the mercy of their businesses is the same. Strategize, Implement, Test, Refine, Repeat.
A key point that I cannot stress enough is that even coaches need coaches. We can always find areas to grow and improve upon. This week we are all meeting for a strategy session with our new business consultant, Roberto Candalaria. He is mentoring and coaching us to take our business to a whole new level. This will of course include, honing and refining our own business systems.
It is important to have processes and systems in place for every single aspect of your life from what you do for work to how interact with your friends to how you take care of your kids. For the last month I have been writing and thinking about what processes I need to have in place to make my life better and I invite you to take a look at what you really want and create an action plan to get there.
P.S. Before we meet at the end of the week I am off to San Diego to watch a Dodger game with my best friend Pat and I will have dinner with my college roommate.
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