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End of the Year Message

This year, has been the best of my life. I can’t believe that I have a son and I get to play with him. I can’t wait to see him walk.

My family has pushed me to really commit to my goals. While other people are winding down towards to the New Year, I have gotten a jump on my new year’s resolution. I started implementing a new business strategy and decided to become more committed to my business.

As I write this, the book is almost done. It taught me a lot. I realized that I can’t worry about how hard anybody else is trying, I only have to focus on what I have to do. I get so much out of writing and speaking that I have to be more strategic about making it happen.

I am on my way to Seattle with my best friend Patrick to watch the Seahawks take on the Cardinals on Sunday. Next week we are driving down to Laguna Beach for a getaway so even though I am working hard, I’m also relaxing.

Andrew and Leslie are in the Philippines visiting my in-laws and introducing Andrew to Leslie’s family. I miss them!

I can ramble on and on but let’s leave it short and sweet.

Happy Holidays!


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