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It’s Time

Last year was one of the best years of my life. I got married, I found out I’m going to be a father in July, I traveled, I grew as a writer, and I’m about to finish my second book. There is one more thing that I have to do: get my work out into the world.

Right now, my books are sitting on my iMac and on Kristi’s Macbook Pro. I love what I did last year, but it’s time to put everything in gear. Although I love my position in life right now, there have been two fears keeping me back. The first was that I had not achieved the success I originally envisioned for myself and my company. There were incredible pockets of success, but I could never gain the momentum that I wanted. The second fear was whenever I imagined something for my life, I imagined it as a non-disabled man and there was always a let down.  Even getting married I could not whisk Leslie off to a B&B up the coast.

Over the last three years, so many of my dreams have come true. And it has been awesome. But, there was always a let down because I am still disabled. But..I am still happy that my dreams came true and it’s time to make one more dream a reality.

I spent December reading, thinking, and talking to my team. I focused on what went wrong in the past and how to change it. If my life depends on a team, that should be my number one priority—making my team. So that’s my number one priority for this year. The second is that if I achieve eighty percent of my professional fantasy, I will be extremely happy. Yeah, I will never be able to hop in a rental car or take the stage myself, but I just have to deal with that.

Ever since I found out that I’m going to be a father, I really wanted to do extraordinary things. I want to be able to one day take my child and wife on the road so they can have any experience that can’t get anywhere else.

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