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Shifting Behavior


 One of the building blocks and engines of your life is the way you behave. Behaviors lead to actions, repetitive actions are your habits, and habits translate into the way that you live your life. If you want to improve your life, you have to shift your behavior.

 A common mistake that most people have is that they want their life to improve without shifting their behavior. They blame the system, socioeconomic issues, or the fact that there are not enough opportunities. There might be great truths in these assumptions. However, your goals should not be to constantly find evidence of these truths. The goal is to shift your behavior to live out your goals and dreams.

 I have been there. My disability makes part of life impossible. It makes some activities ten times more challenging. I have to deal with my physical disabilities, the psychological ramifications, and any other challenge that are part of the human condition. I have learned that I need to be focused on my dreams rather than being obsessed with everything that my disability has taken from me.

 What gets in the way of success is not the willingness to put in the work, it’s focusing your time and energy into the wrong factors. A big reason for this is that, when you focus on the wrong factors, it can seem challenging in the short run. The irony is when you face these challenges, you will have more energy to focus on your dreams and goals.

 One common example of this is focusing on the shortcomings of others. This can be a tough boss, a difficult friend, or even a bad driver on the road. We point to those instances and blame our lack of success on that. Another example is the swings in the stock market. There are very few people who are affected by the swings in the stock market.

Look at  your goals and your challenges and focus your time money and energy on improving your life.



A large factor in amazing success is the way you behave. If you find that your current behaviors aren’t adding to your success, it’s time to shift and create habits that will bring you closer to your goals.




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