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Opportunity Lives in Challenges

As most of the world locks down because of the pandemic called the corona virus, people are changing their lives like never before. I live in...

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The World’s Sacrifice

My second book is called Big Dreams Take Small Sacrifices. The premise is, if you want to achieve any kind of goals or big dream, it takes...

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Fight Challenges with Positivity

When I was younger, I did not value positivity, but now I value positivity as a tool for success.  A big part of success is taking on...

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Do You Need A Mindset Intervention?

One limitation that many people have when going after their goals is a mental block or a gap in their mindset. In order to reach success, your...

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Allow Yourself To Be Influenced

One of the values that people may have is independence or free will. From the time people hit adolescence, many cannot wait to live life on their...

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The Art of Showing Up

Woody Allen said that 80 percent of life is just showing up. This is my interpretation of what that means. After all, I will be crazy to speculate...

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The Most Important Relationship

This month couples all over celebrate Valentine’s Day. In order to have positive relationships, you must keep developing the most important...

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What I have Learned By Not Having Complete Access To My Phone

We all have a computer in our pockets. That computer is called a cell phone. The cell phone revolutionized communication.  If you use it in...

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The Loss of a Legend

I grew up and still live in a Los Angeles suburb. I am also a huge Laker fan.  Kobe Bryant was the first athlete who came into the NBA younger...

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New Year's Check-in

This is the last week of the month. It’s the fourth week of the decade. When we start the year, we are excited to accomplish our...

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